You need a family life coach because parenting is a difficult task. Yet we take it on with no previous experience, except for what we have experienced growing up with our parents. Every parent does the best that they know how with the tools that they have at hand but they are often struggling with their own relationships, health and spiritual problems.
Another factor is that parenting has changed dramatically over the years. No, lets change that to life has changed! Mobile phones, the internet and computer games are but a few of the distractions that make communication difficult. Both parents often have to work and this can be an added burden on family relationships. All these impact on the way that a family eats and spends what should be their leisure time.
Parents often spend all their time looking after everyone else in the family and forget about themselves. If you don’t look after yourself, you can end up feeling miserable and resentful. You won’t be able to give your children the support that they need. Admit to yourself that you actually have feelings and needs of your own. It’s not selfish to treat yourself once in a while! It doesn't have to be expensive - but putting aside some time to do just what you want to do, even if it's only 10 minutes a day - is so important. Hiring a family life coach could also be a way of treating yourself.
We all have the resources within us to achieve absolutely everything we want to achieve. But sometimes we need someone to point us in the right direction and help us dig deep to find those resources. That is where the family life coach can play a big part in changing the dynamic of the family. Sometimes it’s just a matter of helping to draw up a schedule for the family to stick to, or it could be a more serious and deep-seated problems that need to be tackled.
As you work with a family life coach you will see how many areas of your family life can be impacted. The list is endless and can include health and wellbeing, relationships, anger and stress management, dealing with addiction and so much more. Another thing to think about is who is included in the family unit. Well obviously husband, wife and children would be the main focus. But this could certainly be extended to include the grandparents and even the family pets who bring us so much joy but can, sometimes, be a source of stress in a family.
Albert Einstein said ‘We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.’ He was a renowned German-born theoretical physicist and I’m not sure if he was applying this thinking to physics or life in general but it certainly makes sense whichever way you look at it.
Wayne Dyer, who was a well-known motivational speaker and author, similarly said ‘You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.’ What he means is that the same problems that are repeated habitually throughout our lives are caused by limiting thoughts and beliefs. So before you can fix a problem you need to change your thought patterns and beliefs and, as a coach, I am just the person that you need to help you do that.
So whether it be that you want to change the way that you think about food, are finding it difficult to deal with an illness in the family, have something that you want to give up, or new experiences that you want to investigate for yourself and your family you can contact me for a chat.