
Author:Tricia Towsey

Chocolare is an antioxidant food

Antioxidant Foods Prevent Disease and Help You Stay Young

Antioxidant foods contain a group of nutrients that are known to disarm free radicals and fight off certain diseases. Hence ‘Antioxidant’ is not the name of a substance, but rather describes what a range of substances can do.

Well-known antioxidants include enzymes and other substances, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene. These are capable of counteracting the damaging effects of oxidation.

Oxidation is controlled by antioxidant foods

Think about the damage caused to metal items left outside in the elements. The result is usually rust, which is similar to the damage caused to your body.

In addition, antioxidants are commonly added to food products, such as vegetable oils and prepared foods. This helps prevent or delay their deterioration from the action of air.

These antioxidants are synthetic and shouldn’t be confused with dietary antioxidants. There’s some controversy about these additives, and you can read about this on the page about natural health controversies.

However, the body also produces some antioxidants. These are known as endogenous antioxidants. Hence antioxidants that come from outside the body are called exogenous.

There Are Over 100 Antioxidant Nutrients

There are over 100 antioxidant nutrients
Antioxidant Foods

The process of aging and its associated diseases is caused by oxidative damage.

Over 100 antioxidant nutrients have been discovered that protect the body. Many of these are specifically antiaging antioxidants.

These include, but are not limited to, the following vitamins and minerals:

  • A Vitamin (also helps to maintain integrity of digestive tract, lungs and all cell membranes)
  • C Vitamin (helps immune cells mature, improves performance of antibodies and can destroy toxins produced by bacteria)
  • E Vitamin (improves B-cell and T-cell function)
  • Beta-carotene
  • Selenium (increases immune boosting properties of vitamin E and is a vital constituent of an important antioxidant enzyme)
  • Manganese (involved in twenty enzyme systems in the body and, most importantly, it disarms free radicals)
  • Zinc (boosts immune system and makes antioxidant enzymes)
  • Iron (vital component of haemoglobin, which transports oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from cells)
  • Hydroxytyrosol is purported to be the superstar of antioxidants. However this fact is not well known because it is a recent discovery. Infact it has been understood for a long time that olive oil has the ability to fight inflammation, and hydroxytyrosol is extracted from the fruit, leaves and pulp of the olive tree.

Olive Oil an Antioxidant Food

Olive oil and antuoxidants

It was traditionally thought that the benefits of olive oil came from its oleic acid content.

Other foods like pork and chicken are also rich in oleic acid. However they do not provide the same cardiovascular protection. Scientists began to search for other properties of olive oil that might have antioxidant properties and settled on hydroxytyrosol.

I’m not 100% sure of this information as I could only find one reference to hydroxytyrosol, however they sold a supplement, so could be biased. There were, indeed, many references, so it could be true. Only time will tell.

The fact still remains that oleic acid, the most prominent fatty acid in olive oil, reduces inflammation.

Olive oil’s main anti-inflammatory effects seem to be due to its antioxidants, primarily oleocanthal, which have been shown to work like ibuprofen, a popular anti-inflammatory drug.

Free Radicals and What They Do

Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that contain an unpaired electron. They are natural by-products of activities such as breathing and metabolising food.

The unpaired electron searches for something to pair with and can therefore damage the body’s cells, causing cancer, inflammation, arterial damage and aging. Antioxidants combine with free radicals before they can damage the cells. Free radicals are also found outside the body and are caused by any combustion process, including smoking, exhaust fumes, radiation, frying or barbecuing food.

Certain plant-based foods rich in antioxidants are called phytonutrients.

Incidentally, plant-based antioxidants, such as flavonoids, flavones, catechins, polyphenols and phytoestrogens, are phytonutrients.

Foods that are particularly high in antioxidants are often referred to as a ‘superfood’ or ‘functional food.’

Include these Antioxidant Foods in Your Diet

To obtain some specific antioxidants, try to include the following in your diet:


  • A: Dairy produce, eggs, and liver
  • C: Most fruits and vegetables, especially berries, oranges, and bell peppers
  • E: Nuts and seeds, sunflower and other vegetable oils, and green, leafy vegetables


  • Beta-carotene: Brightly coloured fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, peas, spinach, and mangoes
  • Lycopene: Pink and red fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes and watermelon
  • Lutein: Green, leafy vegetables, corn, papaya, and oranges


  • Selenium: Rice, corn, wheat, and other whole grains, as well as nuts, eggs, cheese, and legumes

The NHS site gives a very good break down of all the vitamins and minerals.

Foods with rich, vibrant colours often contain the most antioxidants. However you need to be aware that using the wrong cooking methods and storing foods incorrectly, can destroy the antioxidants in the food.

More Antioxidant Foods

Improve your antioxidant profile by eating the following antioxidant foods:

  • Apples
  • Avocado
  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli (especially tender stem)
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Dark chocolate
  • Eggplants
  • Goji berries
  • Green and black teas
  • Legumes such as black beans or kidney beans
  • Lentils
  • Peas
  • Pomegranates
  • Red grapes
  • Spinach
  • Sweet potatoes

Diseases Caused by Antioxidant Deficiencies

The following are possible diseases caused by a deficiency of antioxidants:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Cataracts
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Infertility
  • Macular (eye lens) degeneration
  • Measles
  • Mental illness
  • Periodontal disease
  • Respiratory tract infections
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

A healthy diet isn’t about restrictions and a balanced diet can improve your health by providing sufficient viyamins, minerals and antioxidants,

You May Be Exposed to Free Radicals in the Environment

Some sources include:

  • Ozone
  • Some pesticides and cleaners
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Radiation
  • Pollution
  • Fried or barbecued food
  • Over exercising

A diet high in sugar, fat, and alcohol may also contribute to free radical production.

You could take a good antioxidant supplement. There has been controversy about whether this can help and many ‘official’ sites claim that it doesn’t. It’s said that the results of studies have been inconclusive, and this may be so, but I’ve certainly found that they help.

I believe that, by improving your intake of antioxidants, you will increase antioxidant activity in your body. You will also boost your resistance to colds and other viruses by stimulating your immune system.

To back me up one study states that ‘Antioxidants act as radical scavenger, hydrogen donor, electron donor, peroxide decomposer, singlet oxygen quencher, enzyme inhibitor, synergist, and metal-chelating agents.’

The main thing is that it’s important to have a varied diet as each antioxidant serves a different function, and they aren’t interchangeable.

Combinations of Antioxidant Foods

Berries and Yoghurt

There has been some research that has suggested that consuming dairy products with antioxidant foods could reduce the efficacy of the antioxidant food.

This is an interesting theory as quite a few antioxidant foods are consumed with dairy.

Think about:

  • Coffee and cream
  • Tea and milk
  • Berries and yogurt
  • Fruit and cream
  • Oatmeal and milk
  • Chocolate or cocoa and milk.

Although research shows that dairy may block some of the antioxidants in foods, it probably does not inhibit all antioxidants. Currently, there is no evidence that it reduces the overall health benefits. To read the full article with all the references, you should have a look at Healthline.

And so health experts recommend getting antioxidants the old fashioned way, by eating all the wonderful antioxidant foods. This is definitely the best way but you may find, as you age, you do need a little help.

Some people believe that you should only consume a raw diet . Certainly, you should be careful how you cook your food and always chose the best cooking method for a particular food.

Controvery explained

The Natural Health Controversy and Food Safety

The Natural Health Controversy is something that’s not likely to be settled any time soon. The interest in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has increased during the past decade and the general public is mainly in favour of it.

Quotation on natural health controversy and medicine

However the debate about the clinical effectiveness of these therapies remains controversial among many medical professionals and scientists.

Some mainstream doctors embrace and make use of CAM (complementary and alternative medicine), while other professionals dispute their efficacy. Other medical professionals and scientists believe that they’re dangerous, or laughable or, even worse, criminal.

Examples of complementary and alternative therapies include:

  • Homeopathy
  • Acupuncture
  • Osteopathy
  • Chiropractic
  • Herbal medicines
  • Ayurveda.

CAM and Evidence-Based Medicine

One of the biggest differences between CAM and conventional medicine, and the basis of much of the controversy, is the evidence, or lack thereof, that CAM actually works to improve a patient's well-being.

Conventional medicine makes recommendations to patients based on evidence collected through clinical trials and other research done on pharmaceutical drugs.

Many of these drugs treat the symptoms rather than the cause of the disease, whereas CAM always tries to get to the root of the problem, usually by looking at the mind-body connection.

Pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers spend vast amounts to prove that their drug or device works, so that they can get approval from the relevant authorities to sell their drug or device. Even research being done in non-profit organisations such as universities and academic medical centres is mostly being carried out through grants and foundations supported by for-profit companies.

There is, however, practically no research carried out on alternative or complementary therapies. This leads many to think that these therapies don’t work, but that's not necessarily the case. It's just a matter of the research not having been done.

Natural Health Controversy and the Discrepancy in Research

Craniosacral Therapy is a controversial natural health therapy

Much of the evidence that we rely on for complementary and alternative medicine is anecdotal evidence.

If one person finds a therapy that works, he or she will tell others about it and so the word will be passed on.

I, for instance, have had a lot of success with craniosacral therapy (CST) and have told many people about it who have visited the same therapist with similar results.

According to their website, ‘CST is a gentle but potent way of working with the body using a light touch. It supports your body’s innate ability to balance, restore and heal itself as well as helping to reduce stress and build underlying energy. It is suitable for everyone, from newly-born babies to the elderly.’

Quackwatch and The Natural Health Controversy

I can just imagine what the scientists, conventional medical doctors and the writers at Quackwatch.com might think about that statement! Well, the answer is that I don’t really care if they think that it’s quackery or not. After suffering with migraines for about 30 years I found relief after visiting a craniosacral therapist for only a few times. I still go back every so often for a treatment and will forever be grateful to that therapist.

Cannabis Oil As a Therapy

Cannabis oil is a natural health therapy

Another area, where to date, there has been only anecdotal evidence, is the treatment of seizures in children with severe epilepsy with cannabis-based medications.

Parents of affected children, who have managed to obtain treatment with medical cannabis, often at great cost and in fear of breaking the law, swear by the treatment.

There are some 20,000 children with similar conditions that have not been granted access to the medication on the NHS, despite the fact that they do not respond to the usual medication prescribed by the NHS.

Now a new study in the journal Frontiers in Neurology reveals that the drug can significantly reduce the rate of, and even eliminate, convulsions altogether in many cases. You can read the full story on iflscience.com.

Let’s hope the government and the NHS listen to these parents and assist them rather sooner than later. The question is, why has it taken such a long time for some research to be carried out?

Problems that Have Held Back Research into Complementary therapies

According to Cancer Research UK, there are many problems that have held back research into complementary therapies. These are:

  • Getting research funding
  • Designing appropriate clinical trials
  • Getting the most appropriate people to develop research into CAMs
  • Time for medical doctors and complementary therapists to work closely together on research
  • A lack of complementary therapists with research experience and knowledge
  • Finding a control group to take part in trials.

I suspect that the issue of money is really the only one to consider, but time will tell.

Until money is invested in the research of CAM therapies, nobody can say for sure whether they work or not, and we’ll just have to rely on anecdotal evidence.

Nutrition as an Alternative Therapy

Many proponents of complementary and alternative medicine believe that the food that you eat can treat disease and help you reach optimal health.

Nutrition as alternative therapy

As a health coach, I focus on how diet and lifestyle contribute to your wellbeing. In particular, I am concerned about how processed food affects your health and would like to see clients moving towards a diet of fresh, whole foods and minimising processed foods.

Most processed foods contain additives, and this is a very controversial subject. Scientists, food technologists and manufacturers insist that food additives are required to keep your food safe and looking good, and that they don’t cause any harm. The health advocates, on the other hand, believe that they’re extremely dangerous and can affect your health negatively. They maintain that they cause cancer and a myriad of other diseases.

Food Agencies that Make Recommendations Regarding Food Safety

Then you have all the food agencies that make recommendations regarding the safety of food, such as:

  • European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
  • Food Standards Agency (FSA)
  • The US Food and Drug Administration
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency
  • Food Standards Australia New Zealand.

These are but a few of the agencies out there that control what happens to your food, but the question is: are they doing a good job?

To answer this I would say that we need to consider some of the problems in the food industry that are somehow ignored.

There have been many over the years throughout the world, but one article that I would like to highlight is written by Joanna Blythman and looks at the Food Standards Agency. This article covers the scandal over the contamination of beef products with horsemeat and, in some cases, pork.

She’s highly critical of the FSA: ‘It was meant to be a watchdog defending consumer interests but it seems to have had an unduly cosy relationship with the food companies, bio-tech companies and large retailers ever since it was created.’ She said it always appeared to treat campaign groups – such as those opposed to genetically modified (GM) foods – as a ‘lunatic fringe’.

20% of Serious Food Safely Violations Ignored

Another article from the Washington Post titled ‘20 percent of serious food safety violations go ignored’ also leads me to become quite alarmed by these agencies and the powers that they have. I really do wonder sometimes if they have our best interests at heart.

When looking at any of the agencies and foundations, you always need to look at who’s paying them. Often you find that it’s the very people who they’re supposed to be policing.

An article in the Independent, and also appearing in the British Medical Journal, states that ‘One of Britain's most influential institutions on diet and health has come under fire over its close links with the food industry.’

The foundation they’re talking about is The British Nutrition Foundation, which was established more than 40 years ago and advises the Government, schools, industry, health professionals and the public.

However, the organisation's 39 members, which contribute to its funding, include:

  • Cadbury
  • Kellogg's
  • Northern Foods
  • McDonald's
  • Pizza Express
  • The main supermarket chains (excluding Tesco)
  • Producer bodies such as the Potato Council.

Admittedly this is a fairly old article and, although the council defended their position, I couldn’t find an update. I can tell you from experience, though, that many of these councils are funded by big business.

The Natural Health Controversy and The American Council on Science and Health

The American Council on Science and Health defends fracking, BPA, and pesticides. Read the full article here to find out who their funders are:

  • Chevron
  • Coca-Cola
  • Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation
  • Dr Pepper/Snapple
  • Bayer Cropscience
  • Procter and Gamble
  • Syngenta (agri-business giant)
  • 3M 
  • McDonald’s
  • Altria (tobacco conglomerate).

There is no doubt food companies have a history of funding biased research to support their products. The Guardian took a look at a few examples.

The Natural Health Controversy and Food Safety

As you can imagine, this makes the natural health controversy and food safety extremely difficult to research as, for each article against a particular product, you’ll find someone that works for the council or for a food manufacturer who will defend it.

So I turn to people that I respect in the natural health industry and there you’ll find many that are against the way your food is being treated. I have given a short bio of a few below:

Sayer Ji

Sayer Ji is a widely recognised researcher, author, and lecturer and weighs in on the natuarl health controversy. He’s an advisory-board member of the National Health Federation, and the founder of the world's most widely referenced, evidence-based natural health resource of its kind, Greenmedinfo.com.

Dr Axe

Dr Axe founded the website DrAxe.com, which is one of the top natural health websites in the world today. Its main topics include nutrition, natural medicine, fitness, healthy recipes and trending health news.

Andrew Weil MD

Andrew Weil MD is a world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine. Combining a Harvard education and a lifetime of practising natural medicine, Dr Weil is the founder and director of the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona.

Dr John Douillard DC, CAP

Dr John Douillard DC, CAP is an American doctor in natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine. He is also an author, writer and entrepreneur. In 2010 he started LifeSpa.com. He is a frequent writer and has written six books and been featured in multiple large publications.

All Branded as Crackpots

Incidentally, all these people are branded crackpots, quacks and loonies by various sites that make a habit of rubbishing anyone that bucks the system.

Processed foods are addictive

Processed foods are engineered to have a long shelf life and a combination of ingredients that get you hooked.

They make you over-eat because they’re full of refined carbohydrates, added sugars and fat that appeal to your palate but lack fibre, protein, vitamins and other important nutrients.

There is evidence that these foods cause rapid weight gain and have other detrimental health effects, so I have written an e-book that discusses the natural health controversy in more detail, and provides all the information that you need. It is free and can be downloaded here.

Processed foods often state that they've had certain nutrients added, but you have to ask yourself why this is necessary. Do you perhaps think that these nutrients were destroyed in the manufacture of these foods?

By cutting down on processed foods and following a healthy and balanced diet you'll get all the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that you need to prevent disease and keep you young.

In addition, using the best cooking and food storage methods will help preserve the nutrients and you will see that, if only the natural health controversy could be settled, we would all be a lot healthier.

How Self Help Books Changed my Life Dramatically

Self-help books can change lives
Self-help books can change lives

Self help books certainly changed my life for the better, but can they do the same for you? Many people are continually searching for the magic fix by exploring self-help books and self-help therapies.

And, believe me, this industry is massive, with sales of self-help books reaching record levels as stressed-out people turn to celebrities and Internet gurus for advice on how to cope with the current uncertain times.


Self Help can be Self Defeating

But many people believe that the self-help industry promotes an unattainable way of life that is out of the reach of the average person. Steve Maraboli said that if self-help books were to teach genuine coping strategies, they would put themselves out of business. I tend to agree with this statement but think that there are various reasons why these books, and other strategies, sometimes don’t work.

I think the main reason that they don’t work is that no amount of information can help you bring about change in your life if you don’t actually do something. The advice and information found in self-help books is often wonderful, and can be very uplifting. But unless you’re motivated enough to do something with it, it doesn’t amount to anything more than entertainment.

Self Help Seminars

Audience at a self-help seminar
Attendees at a self-help seminar

I have attended many seminars delivered by self-help gurus and have listened to attendees raving about how epic the information was and how it was going to help them to change/improve/grow etc. I have never seen one of them change one little bit!

So before we get to why I believe that self-help changed my life, let’s have a look at why the self-help industry is worth so much. If you look at the article ‘10 Richest Self-Help Gurus’ on TheRichest.com you’ll find the net worth of the top eight earners in this industry and begin to understand why it’s worth millions worldwide:

  1. Tony Robbins - $480 Million
  2. Deepak Chopra - $80 Million
  3. Paul McKenna - $55 Million
  4. Laura Schlessinger - $40 Million
  5. Jack Canfield - $25 Million
  6. Zig Ziglar - $15 Million
  7. Eckhart Tolle - $15 Million
  8. Jay McGraw - $12.5 Million.

You’ll also see that the industry is considered to be ‘recession proof’ and continues to grow despite being unregulated and marred by public scandal. I won’t go into all the public scandals. That’s not what this article is about, but you can read it here.

Self Help Gurus Like Hype

Motivational speaker or self-help guru
Self-help gurus rev their audience up

Now all these people are successful because they’re motivational and they tend to rev their audience up with a very fast-paced delivery, clapping, jumping up and down, telling jokes and generally putting on a great show.

As a result the audience leaves feeling all fired up and raring to change. But, unfortunately, this doesn’t last. Although they know that they need to take control of their lives, they get back to the hum-drum of everyday life and slowly go back to their old ways. Many will be inspired to buy self-help books and attempt to re-kindle the feeling of euphoria – but it generally doesn’t work.

‘Minds are like flowers, they only open when the time is right.’ ~ Stephen Richards

In other words, if you’re ready for change, and the time is right, it will happen. But what else is needed?

What exactly is Self Help?

Self-help means doing a job yourself without the expectation of help from anyone else. That’s my definition, but a better one is from my Longman Dictionary of the English Language which tells us that self-help is ‘the action or an instance of improving or helping oneself without dependence on others’.

Although people will very often lend you a hand, you can’t always rely on them for assistance. That’s why being able to help yourself is so important. Furthermore, if you have the right self-help material with the necessary tools, or complete an appropriate course on what you plan to do, you will no doubt find a way of achieving your goal. It takes focus and concentration and, more often than not, hard work.

Don’t under-estimate the usefulness of being able to do things yourself. Besides, from a personal point of view, the ability to rely on your own devices can change you from being a person who is nervous, full of doubt and lacking in self-confidence to one who is brimming with confidence.

My Story of How Self Help Books Changed my Life

I was always a very shy and retiring child. I had a difficult childhood, being much younger than my siblings. And I remember, from a young age, watching my mother being carried off in an ambulance muttering that she was dying and was unlikely to be back.

Mum always returned after a short while as right as rain. I understand now that she was never a very happy person and that she was frustrated by my father who, with hindsight, was very withdrawn and incapable of showing her love. He was a bit mean with money and didn’t give gifts or receive them graciously. Despite his faults, he was a wonderful man and we adored each other!

Women Often Marry Like their Father

It is said that women often marry like their father. And when it came time for me to marry, that’s exactly what I did – marry exactly the same type of man as my father was. He was a lovely man, totally dependable, rather boring and not able to show love or affection. After over 20 years of marriage and having brought two beautiful children into the world, I realised that I had grown and he hadn’t. I needed more from life and I decided that it was time to find it. This is where my journey with self-help books and alternative therapies began. I studied every book and signed up for every course that I could find, and slowly but surely began to carve a path for my future.

Now my transition wasn’t an overnight wonder. I had always gone along with what other people wanted of me and, although I was no longer shy, I never really expressed strong opinions. You see, in the 1980’s life coaching had only just started with the American financial planner Thomas Leonard, who is generally acknowledged as the first person to develop coaching as a profession. It really was a matter of self-help in the true sense, and it took years for me to grow into what I am today, someone who is able to help other people to undergo change.

How Can I help You?

A life coach guiding a client
A life coach at work

I’m no Tony Robbins, and I wouldn’t want to be as I don’t believe in all the hype. If I were to try and emulate anyone it would be someone such as the late Wayne Dyer whom I always thought was much more down-to-earth and believable.

However, it seems that even he was not completely honest as there were various claims that he had plagiarised bits from other works for his extremely popular books.

Deepak Chopra the ‘new age guru’ has an understated delivery and is revered by many. But even he’s come in for his fair share of criticism online, and more specifically in connection with his Twitter feed.

Well, this brings me back to my usual mantra which is ‘Everything in moderation, including moderation.’ ~ Oscar Wilde. So, in other words, take it slowly, read everything but be wary of whom you trust and consider always what their motives are.

Coaching with Compassion and Integrity

I pride myself in coming from a place of compassion and integrity when coaching members or writing courses and content. All my work is written with you in mind and everything that I study is aimed at enriching the lives of others. The work that I do means everything to me and I believe that it can be of tremendous benefit to you.

You don’t need to spend thousands on gurus, mastermind groups, success courses in exotic locations, or big bucks on one-on-one coaching to transform your life. But a little help wouldn’t go amiss when you’re learning to:

  • Be disciplined
  • Improve little by little every day
  • Be kind and loving to yourself
  • Be honest about the areas that you need to change.
A helping hand for Self-help

You have to accept that you’re doing the best job that you can with the information that you have. I’m here to provide reliable information that works and to help you stay on track throughout your journey. And it certainly won’t cost you a fortune!

Can Self Help Books be Harmful?

If you do a Google search you’ll find plenty of pages that say that self-help can be harmful. One even stated that ‘All sleazy self-help gurus must die’. I thought this was a bit extreme but would agree that at times self-help certainly can be harmful. While many people have been influenced by self-help books and videos in a positive way, there are unfortunately a good many would-be ‘self-helpers’ who have had negative experiences.

This is usually because the book, video, or course you buy is used as a delaying tactic - and you have no intention of ever using the information. You need to understand that the mere act of doing something like reading a book or watching a video shouldn’t make you feel as if you’ve made a whole lot of progress.

Owning running shoes doesn't make a marathon
Owning running shoes doesn't make a marathon

This is akin to taking the trouble to buy a pair of running shoes and then thinking you’ve already run a marathon. In fact, you’ve really accomplished nothing at all. So don’t give yourself a gold star just yet.

Rather wait until you’ve accomplished something definite before you indulge yourself by watching another video course or reading another self-help book.  

Using self-help as some kind of delaying tactic, even if it’s done subconsciously and unintentionally, is nothing more than an act of self-destruction.

Is the Self Help Industry a Fraud?

There is a widespread belief that the self-help industry, and everyone in it, are frauds. I would tend to disagree with this for the following reasons:

  • Many of the articles stating this are actually written by life coaches etc. trying to attract your attention with a flashy headline;
  • I do believe that there are many excellent and qualified people, both famous and not so famous, out there waiting to help you.

Unfortunately there are just as many unqualified people offering their opinions and services. One of the good things about the Internet is that all kinds of people from all over the world can contribute information on any manner of subjects. Regrettably, one of the negative things about the Internet is that just as many people can contribute misinformation.

It does happen that people portray themselves as being experts in a particular field so that they can get large numbers of visitors to their sites. But excellent and qualified coaches invest a tremendous amount of time and money into providing reliable self-help information as well.

Check for Credibility and Integrity

‘An expert knows all the right answers – if you ask the right questions.’ ~ Levi Strauss (1828-1902) German-American manufacturer of blue jeans

Unfortunately the world is full of charlatans who dispense false or inaccurate information to enrich themselves. And for every charlatan there are hundreds of gullible people, who will happily hand over their hard-earned cash. The trick is not to follow advice or information that is based on little or no evidence whatsoever, and which is offered by frauds or imposters who lack the necessary credibility or authority to dispense it.

Winners do things differently
A motivational speaker

Don’t always take what you read or hear at face value. Then, when you put what you have read or heard into effect, you should decide if it’s right for you and the job at hand.

If it doesn’t work for you, or make any sense, then find and make contact with a true ‘expert’ in the particular field, a person with credibility and integrity.

Quote by Steve Maraboli ~ Take Control of Your Life

Take Control of your Life – Eight Powerful Tips

Take control of your life on a blackboard.

When you decide to take control of your life, incredible change happens. So, instead of merely existing and constantly feeling as if your life is out of control, you need to bring about change NOW. Is your time filled with things that you have to do, while you spend your life dreaming about the things you would love to do? Do social and financial obligations dictate most of your behaviour, while your choices are constrained by fear? This can cause a lot of stress in your life and the physical effects can be catastrophic.

Do you struggle to take control of your life?

Take control of your life and conquer challemges.

Are you one of those people who feel that life has become a series of events that happen to you? Is your life out of control? It doesn’t have to be that way. And you can conquer your anxieties and eliminate the external obstacles that are holding you back.

Life can be unpredictable and challenging but it can also be full of fun, happiness, excitement and love. Love and fear are opposite emotions, and they are the two main driving forces that determine the way in which you play the cards that life has dealt you.  So if you find that you’re living a life filled with disappointment, sorrow, pain and fear, it’s time to take control of your life and let the love in.

Love allows you to celebrate the passion, the joy and the exhilaration that you deserve. But fear makes you withdraw from the company of others and bury your head in the sand. 

Release Fear to Take Control of Your Life

Fear can paralyse you so take control of your life
Fear can paralyse you

Fear can paralyse you and prevent you from taking whatever action is necessary, depending on the circumstances. Naturally you could be fearful of what you might lose. But ironically you might be fearful of what you might gain. The fear of not having sufficient money to settle your debts is quite natural, and so is the fear of being rejected, not being loved, or of not belonging to a particular group of people. And there is that common fear – the fear of being alone or lonely.

It may seem strange at first, but there is a time and a place for fear. Sometimes, if kept under control, fear can be a positive emotion in that it can save your life. For example, if you had no fear when climbing a steep and slippery mountain you might become over-confident and reckless, which could cause you to slip and fall to your death.  So there is a time and a place for fear – provided it is reasonable and controlled fear. This sort of fear is positive and allows you to guard against danger and possible death.

Take Calculated Risks

Take calculated risks.

Most people would agree that this type of scenario is quite reasonable.  However, the problem is that too many people don’t know when to take calculated risks and how to live their lives to the fullest. They become stagnant and immobile, and allow their unreasonable fear to dictate their everyday thoughts and actions. They become suspicious of anything and everything that is new or different, which they perceive to be physically or spiritually dangerous or possibly life-threatening. Are you one of these people?

This type of fear is not only unreasonable but also physically limits the way in which you live your life, so much so that you begin to suffer from a kind of mental paralysis. This causes you never to be adventurous, never to take calculated chances, and always to lead a safely dull and boring existence. 

Now here’s a suggestion. Why don’t you for once throw unreasonable caution to the wind and take control of your life. Take it by the scruff of its neck and start living to your full potential.  If you decide to take the plunge, then here are eight simple steps that will lead you on the path to a life worth living:

Step 1: Set Clear and Attainable Goals

Determine the kind of reasonable and attainable lifestyle you want to live. This is your vision, what you see yourself doing in the foreseeable future. It must be something definite to work towards, otherwise the chances are that you won’t know whether you have attained it yet.

Also set the goals that you will attain. Note the use of the positive word ‘will’ in this sentence. These goals must be clear and concise, so that you know the sort of thing you can expect. Having determined this, change your attention to the tasks and activities that will assist you in attaining your goal.

Step 2: Get Ready for the Task Ahead and Take Control

Cast your mind back through the years and count, if you can, the number of good opportunities you declined because you convinced yourself that you weren’t capable of handling them.

Probably there were several. Don’t let this sort of situation happen again. Put it behind you. Start now preparing yourself by thinking carefully about the goals you’ve set yourself, and by considering what relevant knowledge and skillset you need in order to attain them. If you lack any of these skills or knowledge then don’t delay in acquiring them. 

Step 3: Do Something that Scares You

Get out of your comfort zone.
Step out of your comfort zone

‘You are free to dream as big as you want, but always remember that every big dream comes with some big responsibilities. So be willing and courageous enough to step out of your comfort zone.’ ~ Edmond Mbiaka

Fear can hold you back from doing what you want to do. Facing your fears will help you to break free of the constraints that fear creates. I have heard of a 100-year-old that did a tandem parachute jump to celebrate her birthday, but it could be something as simple as eating a meal in a restaurant by yourself.

Step 4: Start Networking

It’s quite likely that you lack the necessary knowledge and skills to reach your goal. But don’t worry. It’s not all that difficult to find people who have these skills and this knowledge. It’s necessary to start acquiring the help of a good social or professional network to help you eventually live the life you plan. It isn’t necessary to become close buddies with the people you need to associate with professionally.

And you don’t have to deal with anyone you don’t like. Usually your dealings with business associates are online. If you need to meet anyone in person then keep these meetings brief – unless of course you enjoy his or her company!  What is important is that you cultivate those relationships that you can benefit from on a personal and professional level. 

Step 5: Think of Everything as a Choice

Stop saying you can’t do things unless they’re physically impossible. Instead, say that you won’t, or that you have other priorities, or you’re not willing to make the effort.

Reflexively saying ‘Can’t’ all the time trains us to immediately dismiss every possible course of action that isn’t obvious and easy. By removing that word from your dictionary, you’ll train yourself to genuinely think about whether something can be done, rather than immediately discarding it as impossible.

As a matter of fact, I believe that people are often pessimistic because they're afraid.  The've been disappointed so many times that they've decided to take on a negative attitude to protect themselves. It just becomes easier to assume that everything's going to go wrong.

If this sounds like something that you would do, then I suggest that you consider reading some self-help books. I have personally found that this is a good way to start on the journey towards a more positive future.

Step 6: Ask Questions to Take Control

Woman with many questions.
See situations from different perspectives.

Never waste any chance of dealing with anyone whose acquaintance could potentially be of benefit to you. Keep your eyes and ears open for these opportunities – they don’t come every day. Always be alert to any opportunity to ask questions, and use your imagination and inventiveness when talking to people. 

Try to see situations from different angles and perspectives. By doing this not only will you learn a lot but also opportunities will start opening up for you.  Nevertheless, don’t forget to give as well as receive.  Life isn’t only about taking, so you should ‘pay it forward’ and help others when the opportunity arises.     

Step 7: Take Calculated Risks for More Control

Avoid taking risks unless they are calculated risks. A calculated risk implies that you know precisely what can go wrong. This means that you have considered all the personal, mental, emotional, physical and financial implications. In other words, you have weighed all the possible pros and cons and the consequences of each risk. By controlling the decision-making process you can accept the consequences of your successes and failures.

Step 8: Declutter Your Home and Your Brain

Keep your home and workspace clean and organised. Remove any physical clutter, and tackle your mental clutter. To tackle your mental clutter you should get outdoors as much as you can as outdoor activities have been proven to reduce stress and improve mood. This will help you to focus on what you’re trying to accomplish, rather than your messy environment.

These eight steps apply to your personal life as well as to your business life.  When you take control of your life, you immediately feel the freedom of leading a life of purpose and fulfillment. For more ideas on this subject have a look at lifehack.org.

Ten Surprising Ways to Boost your Memory

Exercise boosts your memory.
Exercise your brain

Being aware of how to boost your memory and sharpen your mind is of the utmost importance. According to the World Health Organization around 50 million people have dementia, and there are nearly 10 million new cases worldwide every year. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and may contribute to from 60% to 70% of cases. Even more frightening is the fact that more people are suffering from early-onset dementia than ever before, which can affect people in their 40s, 50s and early 60s.

The good news is that until fairly recently, it was believed that brain function peaked during early adulthood and then slowly declined, leading to lapses in memory and brain fog during your golden years. But brain plasticity, also known as neuroplasticity, is now an accepted fact and refers to the brain's ability to reorganise pathways, create new connections, and, in some cases, even create new neurons.

It's known that our modern lifestyle plays a significant role in contributing to cognitive decline, and so stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, and exposure to toxins and chemicals can actually harm your brain.

On the other hand, a healthy lifestyle can support your brain and even encourage your brain to grow new neurons. It's now known that your hippocampus (the brain’s memory centre) regenerates throughout your entire lifetime, provided you give it the tools to do so.

The answer is lifestyle change. This is wonderful news as it means that you can do something about your brain health.

Start with the following ideas to boost your memory:

1) Forget Multitasking to Boost Your Memory

Depiction of multitasking

Many people think that multitasking is a great way to get a lot done. But, while it might seem that you’re accomplishing a huge amount, research has shown that your brain is not nearly as good at handling multiple tasking as you would like to think. In fact, some researchers suggest that multitasking may reduce your productivity by as much as 40 percent!

By trying to do multiple tasks at the same time, you’re merely constantly shifting your attention and focus from one thing to the next. Continually switching from one task to another makes it difficult to tune out distractions and can cause mental blocks that can slow you down.

The problem is that you’re not alone in trying to multitask. Because you live in a frenetic world in which everything is expected to be done yesterday, you never quite get to complete what you’ve started. And you’re hardly ever sufficiently focussed to retain even the important pieces of information.

In addition, doing so many different things at once can actually impair your cognitive functioning. Cognitive functioning is a term which is defined as ‘the ability of an individual to perform the various mental activities most closely associated with learning and problem solving’.

2) Focus to Boost your Memory

Too often people fail to focus on what’s important, and forget information that they should have remembered. But don’t worry. There are several solutions. For example, if you have to meet someone to discuss an important matter then either paraphrase, or repeat to them, the main points of what was discussed. If at all possible, you can make notes of the main facts discussed so you can refer to them later.

There are several ways in which you can improve your ability to remember facts and figures. As an example, if you’re introduced to someone, while you’re shaking hands, make a point of repeating his or her name. This helps to fix it in your memory.

Obviously you can’t shake hands when talking on the telephone, but you can still repeat their name out loud while writing it down.  If necessary, you can still take notes of what was said.

During a meeting it’s sometimes very difficult to focus on what is being said, especially if you’re caught up thinking about other related things while others are speaking. Remember it’s very important that you understand precisely any tasks that have been given to you. It’s impossible to know what is required of you if you don’t understand what was said.

3) Sleep Boosts Your Memory

Sleep Boosts your Memory

Everyone knows how important sleep is. But does everyone know that it’s equally important that you have a definite sleep routine?

Well, it’s true. You should follow the same routine just before you go to bed. Make your bedtime the same time every night, and get up at the same time every morning. Although it might sometimes be hard to follow, when you’re on holiday force yourself to set your alarm and get up – no matter how much you want to carry on dozing in bed. The act of getting up at your normal time will allow you to maintain your regular sleep pattern.  

Your regular sleep patterns will be the first to be affected if you suffer from trauma, disease, memory issues, or mental health problems.  If you have difficulty sleeping, you should take whatever measures possible so that you can have a good and restorative night’s sleep. For example, you can try a natural sleep aid, or have a bath before you go to bed.

Having a sleepless night now and again happens to all of us, but if it happens often it will have a negative impact on your physical and mental health.

4) New Ways of Thinking

Brain depicted as circuit board
Electrical circuit with various components interfaced with a brain

There’s a well-known expression that goes like this: ‘If you don’t use it, you will lose it’. This is true when dealing with the brain. There are many ways in which you can improve your cognitive ability.

These include crosswords and Sudoku, among many other forms of brain teasers. Remember that the key to a healthy life is having balance in your life, so accept new routines, make new friends and have a range of different conversations.

Even take different routes on your way to work. By doing this you’ll be creating new neural connections that will boost your memory.

5) Reducing Stress

Reducing stress may well be the most difficult task to achieve. It’s common knowledge that stress adversely affects your powers of concentration. Stress also affects your ability to listen, to store information, and to recover it later.  The many stresses of life may well be very hard to avoid, but they will help enormously if you learn how to breathe properly.

Being able to control your breathing will allow you to regain control of your brain. Many people do not breathe properly, especially in times of stress. Having control over your breathing gives you a mechanism for lowering your levels of stress.  

6) Nutrition to Boost Your Memory

Nutrition to boost your memory.

Everyone knows that your diet affects your weight and your health, either positively or negatively. But not everyone knows that your diet also affects your brain. So watch what you eat! If your diet is high in vitamins and minerals, especially Omega 3 fatty acids, it will make all the difference between a healthy you and an unhealthy you.

So consider carefully what you eat. Are you making the correct decisions to ensure that you are eating healthily? A healthy and balanced daily diet of protein, fruits and vegetables is a very good start to a healthy life.

7) Gut Health

Your gut is referred to as your ‘second brain’ as the gastrointestinal tract has its own nervous system, called the enteric nervous system.

In the same way that you have neurons in your brain, you also have neurons in your gut, including neurons that produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which is linked to mood.

Quite simply, your gut health can have an impact on your brain function, psyche, and behaviour, as they are interconnected and interdependent in a number of different ways. In addition to avoiding sugar, one of the best ways to support gut health is to consume beneficial bacteria.

8) Exercise is a Memory Booster

Exercise is a memory booster.

Exercise stimulates chemical changes in the brain that enhance learning, mood and thinking. Exercise improves blood flow and, therefore, memory. It also reduces the odds of developing heart disease, strokes, and diabetes.

You need to build an activity such as dancing, washing your car, walking with a friend, jogging or playing golf or tennis into your daily life.

9) Master a New Skill

Finding an activity that requires your undivided attention and gives you great satisfaction stimulates your neurological system, counters the effects of stress-related diseases, reduces the risk of dementia and enhances health and well-being. The activity should be something that you look forwardto doing, such as playing a musical instrument, gardening, crocheting, knitting etc.

Repetitive tasks help you to completely relax, and are important for forming synapses in the brain, thus improving your ability to learn.

Also, the reward centre of your brain gets stimulated when you have completed a creative project and this will have a positive effect on your self-confidence and your mood.

10) Control Medical Risks

Hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, head trauma, high cholesterol, and smoking all increase your risk of dementia. You can reduce these risks by having your annual check-up, following your doctor’s recommendations and taking medications as prescribed.

Of course, if you’re taking care of your health and have been living a healthy lifestyle, you might very well not have to take any medications. This is wonderful news for you and your brain. Do remember that it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself, and great improvements in physical and cognitive health can be gained by starting a healthy regime. 

Hopefully these 10 surprising ways to boost your memory will have helped you, but do remember that there are many more tips available on this site or you could look at Healthline for more ideas.

Hand writing concentrate

Focus and Concentration: Try these Eight Helpful Tips to Boost Yours

If you struggle with focus and concentration you might think you have ADHD. Well, many people do struggle and they often blame their inability to concentrate properly on an actual condition called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, better known as ADHD – although in fact most of them do not have that condition.

Although it’s quite possible that you might well be suffering from some kind of mental issue – because you don’t seem able to focus properly whenever you’re in a stressful situation such as an important business meeting – there are certain activities you can try in your everyday life that will improve your ability to concentrate properly. So before you visit your doctor and complain about suffering from ADHD, rather give the following tips a try. The odds are that you are NOT one of the less than five percent of adults that are suffering from ADHD.

Just imagine for a moment that your brain is a muscle which, through constant training, you can teach to focus and concentrate. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Well, the following daily exercises, lifestyle alterations and ‘tricks’ are excellent ways by which you can improve your focus and concentration.

1) Beat Procrastination and use Focus and Concentration

Depiction of each human being has the same number of hours in every day.

‘Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow.’ ~ Denis Waitley

Procrastination can steal your time and cause you to put off a task you're supposed to be tackling. If you struggle to concentrate when you have a task to complete, then it could be because you’re having trouble with your focus and concentration.

So next time you're about to postpone a task prepare yourself to focus sufficiently and tackle it anyway. You may be pleasantly surprised and find that you complete the work with no problem at all by using a combination of mindset and tools to set up an environment that fosters focus.

2) Meditation Helps Focus and Concentration

Meditation helps focus and concentration.

Despite its often negative public perception, meditation is something that everyone can take part in. There’s a good reason for this. It’s been shown time and time again that mindful meditation strengthens your mental capacity and increases your attention span. In addition, it can negate the negative physical effects of stress on your health and wellbeing.

A recent study involving 140 volunteers showed that, after a course of mindful meditation training that lasted for eight weeks, there was a significant increase in their attention span. Furthermore, there’s no need to spend the rest of your life indulging in this activity to reap the benefits. After no more than four days of between ten and twenty minutes of meditation throughout the day, you can improve your focus and concentration significantly.

Throughout each and every day, simply by practising mindfulness you will do a great deal to prevent yourself from becoming distracted. An example of this is turning your normal passive eating activity while watching television into an active eating experience.

An active eating (also called mindful eating) means concentrating on your chewing and experiencing all the lovely flavours and different textures of the food in a conscious manner. By doing this you will become less likely to be distracted. So always be aware of the now, of the present, if you begin to feel that you’re becoming distracted.

3) Simply Make a ‘to do’ List

This is not a new concept, and it certainly works. It’s possible to considerably increase your ability to focus by doing something as easy as making a ‘to do’ list. It’s been suggested by Dr Simon A Rego, the renowned cognitive behavioural psychologist, that you should always compose lists that prioritise your important tasks first before composing a list of the less important ones. This will allow you to take control of your life and declutter your brain.

Such lists prioritise your activities and deadlines, and also prevent you from multitasking. And most people cannot multitask, despite what they say to the contrary!

People are able to effectively perform only one task at a time. Multitasking merely lowers the quality and effectiveness of your work through becoming distracted. Therefore it’s much better to focus on the first item on your list before tackling the second.

4) Check the Thermostat

If your work environment is too hot or too cool, it could impact how you focus and concentrate. A study from Cornell University found that workers are most productive and make fewer errors in an environment that is somewhere between 68 and 77 degrees. If you don’t have access to the thermostat, you can simply dress accordingly or bring a fan if it’s too hot.

5) Wiggle your Toes for Focus and Concentration

Wiggling your toes to help you concentrate

Wiggling your toes to help you concentrate is a trick suggested by author Olivia Fox Cabane. She writes that people often become distracted or daydream when they really should be concentrating on what is being said, especially at an important meeting.  

People tend to seek some form of distraction, such as an incoming email, or any other kind of instant gratification. She continues by suggesting that, in order to avoid such things happening, you should focus for a moment on mindfully concentrating on your toes and start wiggling them around. Once you’ve done this you’ll be more able to concentrate on what really is important.

6) Try to Reduce Distractions

You can become only too easily distracted when you’re at an important meeting, for example, and are trying to concentrate when you become aware that you’ve received an email. This, no doubt, can cause you to lose focus. But so can many other kinds of distractions – if you let them. So don’t let your attention span be limited. Rather block out any form of distraction or diversion.

More often than not the main cause of distractions is failing to disconnect from easily available interruptions such as the Internet or your smartphone. Author, motivational speaker and television host Melanie (Mel) Robbins has a suggestion to counter this. Simply leave your phone outside the room and, should you feel yourself becoming distracted or your mind starting to wander, all you do is count slowly to five, then force yourself to carry on with whatever you were doing.

7) Take a Break

Should you find that your attention is wandering, you should simply build short breaks into your plan. A study from the University of Illinois found that taking a short break in the middle of a long task reenergizes the brain. Psychologist Alejandro Lleras found that participants who were given short breaks during a 50-minute task performed better than those who worked straight through.

8) Manage your Energy

Structure your day according to what tasks you have to complete and when you have the energy to focus. Everyone is different and some people work best early in the morning while others work better into the night. Only you will know when you are better able to concentrate or when you’re at you most creative or analytical.

Keeping a diary for a week or two may help you if you haven’t figured out what your cycle is, and what time of day is best for you for you to tackle tasks that require concentration.

It’s as simple as that. Close your computer, put your phone in a drawer where you can’t hear it, meditate for ten to twenty minutes, take short breaks, wiggle your toes, and then get on with your work. If you feel that you need more information there's this article on how to improve focus and concentration.

Alternatively, you can read this article on how self-help books changed my life which should give you some ideas of how to bring focus and concentration into your life.

Fascinating Fundamental Facts about Foot Health

healthy feet are important.

The importance of foot health is one of the most underestimated subjects in the modern family. I have been in contact with people of all genders and ages, and from all walks of life, and have been shocked by the state of their feet!

I remember sitting at a picnic many years ago. It was a meeting of Yogi’s and their followers and we were all sitting on blankets and chanting and singing along. Naturally we were all barefoot and, in most cases, the soles of our feet were exposed so I was able to ‘read’ the feet of one of the leaders who was facing me.

During a break in the music I told my daughter that the Yogi was very ill. She knew him very well, being a yoga teacher, and would hear nothing of it. Some months later she told me that she had heard that this man had cancer and he did, in fact, pass away from it.

Body Areas have Corresponding Points on Your Feet

It is a known fact that areas of your body have a corresponding points on the soles of your feet and a reflexologist will treat various ailments of the body by massaging these points.

For example the pink areas on the heel of each foot correspond to the Sciatic nerve. Judging by the state of the heels of most people and the fact that so many people suffer with back pain I would tend to believe that this is correct!

Apparently, the right foot corresponds with the organs on the right side of the body, and those on the left side, with the organs on the left side of the body. They provide important clues about your health, including showing you if you’re dehydrated but can also indicate poor circulation or lung disease.

Foot health and reflexology
Foot health and reflexology

Most importantly, changes in how your family’s feet look or feel should be taken note of, as changes can be the first sign of serious health issues that, if ignored, could be life threatening.

Your Feet go Through Stress

Now putting all this aside, consider how much stress your feet go through every day. Perhaps you wear high heels and shoes with pointy toes. Sometimes you stub your toes against furniture or cut your toenails incorrectly so that you end up with ingrown toenails. You probably keep them cooped up in shoes so that they sweat and become smelly. All in all most of us neglect our feet horribly and that's not a good idea.

Your feet go through stress and so does the rest of your body. The physical effects of stress can have an enourmous effect on your health and wellbeing. You should take care to cut down on stress by reading these eight tips on how to take control of your life.

In truth, taking care of the health of your family’s feet, is more important than buying expensive creams for your face and these tips should help.

  • Dry your feet well especially between the toes.
  • Check your feet carefully and often for calluses and corns.
  • Find out how to cut your toenails so that they don’t become ingrown.
  • Watch for athlete’s foot and treat it quickly as it can be very hard to treat.
  • Always wear shoes outside but walking barefoot in the house is good for your feet.
  • Diabetes can have serious implications for your feet so follow a healthy diet and lifestyle.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that don’t cramp your feet.

Changes in how your family’s feet look or feel can be the first sign of serious issues that, if caught early, could save their lives. So keeping their feet looking good is important but if you do see problem areas it would be a good idea to see a podiatrist.

Visit a Podiatrist for Foot Health

A podiatrist can help with foot health.

A podiatrist can detect problems early and a good one will give you a lot of valuable advice. I am not a reflexologist or a podiatrist but I am able to advise you on nutrition and it is a fact that the foods that your family eats can affect the health of their feet and a balanced diet is extremely important for all of us no matter your age or gender.

Doctor Shelly Greene has a beautiful site that explains the link between the feet and illness and it’s really worth having a look at it. If you look at resources you will find a lot of interesting articles.

As a life coach and nutrition adviser I am able to coach you to health and show you how a healthy diet can help with losing weight but, more importantly can improve your family’s quality of life.

Yes your foot health and the health of your body are linked so improve the health of one and the health of the other will follow suit.

The physical effects of stress depicted

Physical Effects of Stress on Health and Wellbeing

Headaches are a physical effect of stress

Learning how to deal with the physical effects of stress is extremely important for your health. In this frenetic world many people are under pressure and even minor pressure can turn into stress. Stress is detrimental to your health especially if you’re feeling stressed over a long period. This is known as chronic stress.

Before we can discuss stress-relief measures we need to have a look, not only at what causes stress but also at the physical effects of stress. I’m sure that most of you have heard about the ‘fight or flight’ response but I’ll briefly go over it to make sure that it’s fully understood.

When you feel threatened, your nervous system responds by releasing stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. These are the hormones that get the body ready to take emergency action. This response is your body’s way of protecting you and, when it works properly, it helps you stay focused and ready for action.

So, in other words, when you bump into an intruder in the middle of the night you may stay and fight him – as I did when I was attacked some years ago – or you may run and get as far away from the threat as you can.

How Fight or Flight Works

Depiction of fight or flight

It is the hormones mentioned above that provide you with the vital energy needed for you to attack or flee. Remember it’s difficult to predict how you will react in any given situation. As I write I’m thinking about another occasion when I responded to screaming and found my employer under attack, but on that occasion I turned and ran screaming for help. As it turned out this was the right thing to do as the two attackers thought that I was summoning someone that might be armed – and fortunately they left the premises in a hurry.

The intruders on this occasion were particularly dangerous gangsters. The outcome could have been very different had I remained and argued with them, as I had done in my previous encounter. These two attacks were examples of an acute stressor but, although I was extremely frightened at the time, I quickly recovered.

Acute stressors affect you over the short term, but chronic stressors affect you over the long term. It is the relatively long-term stressors that cause disease and these can have a lasting effect.

If the stressor persists you will need to employ some kind of coping mechanism to handle the stress. Although your body begins to adapt, it cannot keep this up indefinitely. Its resources gradually become depleted and the physical effects of stress will begin to show.

Exhaustion and Physical Effects of Stress

Man exhausted by stress

Exhaustion will gradually begin to set in as your body's resources are slowly but completely depleted. When this happens you’ll be unable to maintain normal functions. Because of the damage that stress can cause to your body it is important to know not only your limit but also the signs of chronic stress.

When the symptoms that you initially experienced, such as sweating and a raised heart rate, begin to reappear, long-term damage may result if the situation does not improve. Furthermore, your body's immune system will become exhausted.

The most dangerous thing about chronic stress is how easily it creeps up on you and affects your mind, your body and your behaviour.

Since everyone is unique and has a unique response to stress, there is no single solution to managing it. It is important to remember that no single method works for everyone, or in every situation. So if you’re feeling as if your life is out of control you should deal with the problem immediately. Do something about it before your physical and emotional well-being is impacted by stress.

How to Deal with Stress and the Physical Effects

With the suicide rate increasing around the world it has become extremely important to deal with stress, and the physical effects. The following ideas may help:

Tension is a physical effect of stress.
  • Exercise
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Sufficient rest
  • Healthy diet
  • A relaxing hobby or activity
  • Meditation
  • Counselling
  • Talking with friends and family
  • Taking responsibility
  • Forgiving
  • Get organized
  • Say NO sometimes
  • Don’t obsess

Meditation and the Physical Effects of Stress

Meditation can mean different things to different people. You might find a walk on a beautiful beach on a warm morning or evening is all that you can manage, while another person might enjoy a simple meditation.

Get Sufficient Rest to Handle Stress

Your body operates in accordance with a circadian rhythm (24-hour body clock) and it this gets out of sync you could suffer from various sleep disorders. This could mean that you struggle to go to sleep. It could also mean that you wake after a few minutes, or have periods of wakefulness during the night or early in the morning.

It’s important to get your circadian rhythm back in line and the best way to do this is to have regular sleep habits. A regular going-to-bed routine will put you on the right track. By this I mean that you should go through the same routine every night at the same time so that your body, and your brain, can prepare for sleep.

You should also wake up at the same time every morning, whether it be a week day or over the weekend.

Having a TV or tablet etc. in your bedroom is not advised unless you’re listening to relaxation or meditation podcasts.

Talking Helps the Physical Effects of Stress

Talking therapy helps with the physical effects of stress.

Remember that other people can’t read your mind! If you’re having trouble in any relationship you need to express your feelings.  It’s important to share your feelings with your friends and family as this is the only way that you can get your needs met. Feelings of inadequacy cause unnecessary stress which in turn will cause disease – but you might be pleasantly surprised and find that the other person is prepared to change.

Take Responsibility

Don’t try to blame your bad decisions on other people. Own up to your mistakes and make sure that you never make the same mistake twice. Try to look at every event in your life as an opportunity for growth and always view the glass as half full as opposed to half empty.

Forgive to Release Stress

Just as you make mistakes, you need to accept that other people are not perfect either. Anger is a negative energy that will eat away at you and make you ill. Look at forgiveness in conjunction with obsession (see below). Sometimes a person refuses to forgive someone whom they feel has wronged them in the past. They then become obsessed with that person to such an extent that they can’t move forward with their lives.

Get Organized

Start your day by making a list of what needs to be done that day – and do the most important things first. You could have a whiteboard in your office with a list of projects that need to be completed in the long term too. By doing this you will take control of your life and things will start to change.

Say ‘No’

Are you a crowd pleaser? Many of us are afraid to offend others. We want to please everyone. For this reason we find it difficult to say no when other people ask for help – even if we are short of time. This can cause stress as you’re so busy helping other people that you don’t have time to catch up with your own work.

Don’t Obsess to Cut Stress

‘Be moderate in order to taste the joys of life in abundance.’ Epicurus (died 270 BC)

Moderation is an important key if your life is very stressful. Epicurus lived an extremely long time ago and in those days people’s stresses would have been quite different from what we experience today.

Don't obsess to cut stress.
Obsession can be dangerous

However, stress of any kind has serious consequences for your wellbeing and an obsession can take many forms. People become infatuated with other people either from their past or the present – and sometimes even with someone they might meet in the future. They become preoccupied with making money and work. Others think constantly about sex or possessions, and this preoccupation can damage relationships.

Remember that anything that causes an imbalance in your life will cause aging and disease – so you need to incorporate these important stress-relief measures into your daily routine. For more information on the physical effects of stress go to the well-researched site called Webmd.com.

You can also have a look at the six outdoor activities that reduce stress and improve mood